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  • Border and Maritime Security

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Border Force

Stand A154

Border Force is a law enforcement command within the Home Office. Border Force se-cures the border and promotes national prosperity by facilitating the legitimate move-ment of individuals and goods, whilst preventing those that would cause harm from en-tering the UK. This is achieved through the immigration and customs checks carried out by our staff at ports and airports. Our officers work at 140 sea and air ports across the UK and overseas.

Border Force works at UK borders to support the legal trade in Convention on Interna-tional Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) goods as well as to identify the illegal wildlife trade in these species, alive or dead. Our exhibit will showcase some of the thousands of illegal wildlife products seized by the CITES team. 

The Commercial Smuggling Development Team (CSDT) is a highly skilled and motivated Border Force Team. It focuses on quality selection and in-depth rummage of freight vehi-cles, enhancing technical expertise in the identification of sophisticated concealments, and best practice in dealing with commercial smuggling offences. The CSDT utilises the latest technology to detect significant quantities of prohibited & restricted goods, assist other law enforcement agencies and disrupt organised crime groups.

Small Boats Operational Command – Joint Control Room (JCR) team will be showcasing some of the surveillance technology used to help gather evidence of criminality from people trying to enter the UK illegally via small boats. The team deploy a multitude of equipment including fast boats and drones. 

The Border Force National Dog team are a specialist canine resource working to detect illicit goods from entering the UK. Some of the dogs and their handlers will be on the stand demonstrating some of their training techniques.

Address 2 Ruskin Square, Dingwall Road, Croydon CR0 2WF
Telephone +44 7826 901506
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