Hosted by the Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC), Security & Policing’s renowned Live Immersive Experience provides visitors with a series of narrative-led, content-rich, immersive experiences, which give an insight into technologies and solutions to solve the latest and future security challenges and threats.
Immersive Experience 2024 – Destination: Churchill Station.
The Joint Security and Resilience Centre in collaboration with Industry have again created an exciting hands on live Immersive Experience for 2024. This year’s immersive experience will have a central theme of Transport Security and offers attendees the opportunity to undertake two experiences. Based at a large fictional transport hub, participants will be alerted that there is a suspicious bag on board one of the trains.
Participants will then be given the opportunity to work their way through a multi-layered terrorist incident and will be able to decide which experience to undertake:
- Disaster at CrossContinent – Halting the threat of a hostile drone during the multi-layered terrorist incident
- Public Protection on The Majesty Line – Ensure the safety of the public during the multi-layered terrorist incident
To undertake the Immersive Experience, please ensure to book your space upon arrival at Security & Policing.
Previous Immersive Experiences
2023: Operation Haystack – The Search is On: Escape Room Experience
This year’s immersive experience was based on the timed escape room model which has progressive stations with a single solution. The challenge focussed on a team being required to successfully navigate several stations – each showcasing different security skills that can be employed as part of an effort to stop a terrorist incident.
Watch highlights:
Participants had the opportunity to understand a range of skills, turn their hand to specific tasks, beat the clock and compete against other delegates!
2022: Incident at Sea: Live Immersive Response
The feature was focussed on taking the audience through the repercussions of a ransomware attack on a shipping vessel in close proximity of a busy UK sea port. This immersive experience was designed to take visitors through a series of visual and interactive tours which demonstrate how technology, products and solutions from some of the UK’s leading industry and academic organisations can demonstrate how threats can be detected, diverted, intercepted and neutralised.
2020: Plan. Travel. Visit. Your future secure journey
The feature gave visitors an insight into a future secure journey, showcasing and demonstrating solutions and technology that improve security around pre-journey planning, aviation and travel security and crowded places and infrastructure.
2020: Knife Crime: A 21st Century Approach
The Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC) collaborated with the Home Office’s Serious Violence Unit and Accelerated Capability Environment to create a live immersive experience that illustrates a blended, preventative approach to tackling Knife Crime. The feature focused on showcasing and demonstrating solutions and technology across data, technology and community engagement.