Products & Services

  • Forensic Services
  • Vehicles

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Stand C93

Berla Corporation creates solutions for investigators to identify, acquire, and analyze critical information stored within vehicle systems.

The average vehicle generates over a terabyte of data each day. Their systems are constantly collecting and generating information about when a vehicle is used, how it is performing, and the environment around it. As the technology in modern day vehicles continues to grow, so will evidentiary opportunities.

Berla’s collection of tools form the iVe Ecosystem, which supports investigators throughout the entire vehicle forensics process. There is a mobile app for identifying vehicles, performing automotive network acquisitions, and viewing collections, a hardware kit for acquiring vehicle systems, and a robust forensic software for analyzing data to uncover what happened, where it occurred and who was involved.

Address 445 Defense Highway, Suite M
Telephone +1 443 333 9301
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