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Pervade Software

Stand D42

Pervade Software is an independent software vendor with strong roots in the capital of Wales and three award-winning products.

OpView™  is the most flexible security monitoring system on the market which leverages a completely new database architecture to collect, correlate and report on all data types so you can successfully monitor security (SIEM), vulnerability, configuration & availability (SOC), performance, asset & flow (NOC) all in a single configurable system.

OpAudit™ is a brand new kind of compliance tracking solution which gathers & manages all evidence of compliance with all policies in a single system so you can successfully track answers & evidence from contributors (attestations), technical data from devices (audit) and questionnaires from staff & supply chain (assessments) for both externals standards and internal policies and audits.

OpIndex™ is the most accurate and comprehensive Dark Web Intelligence solution on the market with unique Spider software that is custom-built to circumvent anonymisation measures and circumnavigate routing relays in order to Search and/or Index content with Reporting and Alerting as well as offensive capabilities to disrupt threat actors who operate in the Dark Web.

Pervade Software is used by a wide range of private and public sector clients operating in more than 80 countries, along with partners ranging from independent consultants to global managed security service providers.

Address Castle Court, 6 Cathedral Road, Cardiff
CF11 9LJ
Telephone +44 29 2064 7632
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