Products & Services

  • Transport Security
  • Unmanned Systems, Robotics & Countermeasures
  • Biometrics, Facial Recognition & Imagery
  • CCT & Video Analytics
  • Comms Data and Digital Forensics
  • Communications, Command & Control
  • Counter Terrorism & Intelligence
  • Covert Operations & Capabilities
  • Data acquisition and analysis
  • Forensic Services
  • Professional Services

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Stand P74

Wave Sciences specialises in unique audio capabilities to meet challenging, real-world requirements. We provide investigators with useful, innovative tools for hearing-in-noise, directional audio, officer safety, and more.

Our newly launched Acoustical Focus™ software extracts desired speech from even the most challenging of multichannel recordings, enabling you to blur out cocktail party babble, including interfering talkers, reverberation and noise.

You can find out more by visiting our stand (P74) or emailing us at

Address 91 Rutledge Avenue
Telephone +1 843 793 3030
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