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The ATACC Group

Stand B152

The ATACC Group (TAG) offer a suite of regulated qualifications in collaboration with Qualification Network UK (QNUK) who are an Ofqual, CCEA and Qualification Wales recognised Awarding Organisation. We are also a Royal College of Surgeons, London approved Educational Centre.

Together we offer a suite of qualifications that meet HSE First Aid training requirements, meet the needs of employers and are overseen by our TAG Medical Advisory Group.

TAG is known for providing quality first aid, clinical and medical education and training to every level of provider involved in patient care.

Our ethos is to empower people to save lives by providing a comprehensive approach to training and education, which focuses on a continuum of care from ‘Roadside to Critical Care’. 

This provides candidates with the confidence and skills necessary to rapidly assess and manage casualties, with a focus on ‘time critical’ problems, to reduce morbidity and mortality.

We are passionate about delivering current and realistic learning through experience and we have a major focus on innovation, to support this ethos, across all of our educational offerings.

Our combined accreditation with RCS ensures the quality and standards in our delivery of training and duty of care. It also means that we maintain the integrity of the course and assessment process. These processes validate the achievements of candidates and acknowledges their continued dedication and professional development in life saving skills.

Address The ATACC Group, Cliffs Barn, Wood Lane, Mawdsley
L40 2RL
Telephone +44 333 322 2999
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