Products & Services

  • Biometrics, Facial Recognition & Imagery
  • CCT & Video Analytics
  • Comms Data and Digital Forensics
  • Communications, Command & Control
  • Counter Terrorism & Intelligence
  • Custodial
  • Data acquisition and analysis
  • Forensic Services
  • Information Technology
  • Professional Services
  • Training

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Bluestar Software Limited

Stand D136

Bluestar Software is a leading technology solutions provider to Police Forces and related agencies, throughout the UK and worldwide. Operating within the criminal justice sector for over 25 years means that we combine technical ability with a proven track record of project success, along with our unique commitment to performance guarantees for all our products. We have created and implemented a number of national solutions including the successful National Footwear Service for the Home Office, The National Injuries Database and various projects for the NCA .Corvus® is Bluestar’s award winning and patented framework for delivering systems. It is used by thousands of police officers worldwide and support personnel every year. The software is used by Forces for briefing, AI and machine learning, tasking, intelligence analysis, mapping, incident recording, planning, identity management, forensic case work and criminal profiling, to name a few. Bluestar Software enables organisations to harness the full potential of data to maximise value and deliver success.

Address Stratfield Saye, Reading, Berkshire
Telephone +44 1256 882695
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