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Drumgrange Ltd

Stand P21

Drumgrange is a thriving, independent, privately-owned UK technology company operating in the Defence and Security industry, providing design, development, manufacture and through-life support capabilities for electronics and communications systems in the Maritime and Land domains.

We operate across four main business streams, including:

  • Maritime Mission Systems
  • Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR)
  • Maritime Communications
  • Innovation and Consultancy

The Company is located in the UK, with sites at Chertsey, Surrey and Portland, Dorset. The Chertsey site severs as the Head Office, principally responsible for system engineering, product development and support, and the Portland site is primarily focused on system integration and in-service support.

As a systems engineering house, Drumgrange has a proven track record for rapid realization of demanding Defence industry design tasks combined with high quality manufacturing. The Company has achieved an enviable reputation for rapid, cost-effective realisation of innovative technological solutions to suit demanding applications, for the quality of its products and, most importantly, for delivering solutions and services on time, to specification and customer’s satisfaction.

Address Unit A, The Forum, Hanworth Lane, Chertsey
KT16 9JX
Telephone +44 1932 581100
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