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Evolve Dynamics

Stand C22

Evolve Dynamics Ltd is a UK based designer, developer, and manufacturer of all-weather ISR UAS. Its aircraft are designed to operate in extreme weather including winds of 46mph, rain, sleet, and sand. The Sky Mantis platform has a flight time of up to 1 hour, rapid launch capability and a dual 30X zoom EO with thermal payload, as well as RF and EW (IMSI) payloads. 


It is designed with workflow integration in mind and is compatible with multiple data and team management systems such as ATAK and CIVTAK.


A tether system with a ‘droppable’ 100m cable can extend the duration of the Sky Mantis for up to 48 hours.


The Sky Mantis platform is widely deployed with many UK police forces, fire services, search and rescue teams, and the UK MoD.

Address Surrey Technology Centre 40 Occam Road, Guildford GU2 7YG, United Kingdom
Telephone +44 7968 116496
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