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Ruddy Nice Ltd

Stand P101

Our Mission…

To be a driving force to strategically connect organisations in the Aerospace and Defence sector, lead the way with innovation, spark conversation to drive change, and empower businesses to grow.

Ruddy Nice was founded by Tess Butler in 2011 to provide a network and community to help other businesses thrive. We are a team of individuals with collective vast marketing, consultancy, PR, training, and event experience in Defence and Aerospace.

We provide marketing, events, media, business consultancy, and PR support to Aerospace and Defence clients as well as running our own event DSET (Defence, Simulation, Education, and Training).

We are constantly innovating and leading the way to be the first Defence conference to offer a fully Hybrid event format.

In 2024 we launched – The Studio.  A 2,000 sq ft facility just a 10 minute walk from Salisbury Train station in the UK. Designed to be a physical and virtual hub to bring together talent from around the world in Serious Games, Simulation and Wargaming development and innovation.

Address 21 St Andrews Road
Telephone +44 7974 180166
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