Entries are now open for participating exhibitors at Security & Policing 2022 to take part in live industry challenges and pitch their solutions to panels of experts as part of the Fusion Forum at the event.
Submissions will be reviewed by the challenge sponsors, and, prior to the event, the authors of selected responses will be invited to participate in S&P 2022 to ‘pitch’ their ideas in five minutes to a panel of relevant end-users and experts from Government, industry and academia in the Fusion Forum feature at the event.
Deliberately designed to be accessible to all visitors and exhibitors alike and serving as our central ‘thought leadership’ hub at S&P, the Fusion Forum is a centrally located, interactive and accessible ‘theatre’ on the main exhibition floor.
We are delighted to invite exhibitors to participate in the following industry challenges designed to identify new and integrated solutions to pertinent security issues:
1. Border Security
“How do you anticipate traffic across the UK border to change in the next 5-15 years? What new or increased threats will emerge as a result and what mitigations are or will be available to meet these threats?”
In this challenge, led by UK Border Force, participants are encouraged to:
- Consider the movement of people and goods, licit and illicit
- Think creatively, including using horizon scanning and red teaming
- Balance the needs of of maintaining a secure border while facilitating flow/trade
- Don’t just look at technology, consider the skills and capabilities that the Border Force officers would need
2. Future Policing
“What new technologies will improve public trust and confidence in policing and how should they be implemented to enable this?”
This challenge, led by the Office of the Police Chief Scientific Advisor, Prof Paul Taylor, is deliberately broad to enable participants to explore a range of issues that face modern policing.
3. Protecting Publicly Accessible Locations (PALs)
“How can those who own or operate small or medium sized businesses which function as publicly accessible locations take steps to protect themselves, their staff and visitors from the threat of terrorism individually or by working collaboratively, with limited budget available for security?”
In this challenge, led by the PALs policy team of the Home Office Homeland Security Group, participants are asked to note the following:
- Small and medium sized businesses are defined as those with 0 to 49, and 50 to 249 employees respectively (Business population estimates for the UK and regions 2021: statistical release.)
- A publicly accessible location is defined as any place to which the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission (Protect Duty)
- Protection from the threat of terrorism does not refer to the prevention of radicalisation and terrorism widely, but instead refers to mitigating measures which either:
1 Deter reconnaissance and an attack from taking place at a specific PAL, or
2. Reduce the impact of an attack which is attempted or carried out at a PAL
- Whilst the hypothetical budget for a small company could be less than 3,000 GBP annually, budgets can be aggregated across organisations on a small High Street for example so consideration to this range of budgets is welcomed in proposals.
- Proposals on a range of measures are welcome – whilst physical security will be a natural and obvious option, other forms of mitigating measures (such as how organisations can collaborate in the same spaces to improve security) are also welcomed. For example, developed response plans between multiple parties operating in the same space, sharing of information and the deconfliction and coordination of plans.
Exhibitors are invited to submit proposals of up to 300 words in response to a challenge by logging in to your ExpoPlatform account and completing the application in the Exhibition Manual.
Entries are now closed. Entrants will be notified if they are successful in participating in February 2022.
All entries should mark clearly a point of contact for the submission and include a full list of organisations if a team submission.
All content appearing in the Fusion Forum is designed to be closely aligned with the aims and objectives of the Integrated Review’s “whole-of-“ approach, and so responses are encouraged to give due regard to how Government, industry and academia can work together to:
- Disrupt threats earlier
- Share information more widely across our HMG partners
- Build resilience with our local communities
- Prioritise our efforts better overseas
- Provide a more integrated relationship with the private sector
Participants are eligible to enter submissions to more than one challenge, whether individually or as part of a team, but should not be involved in more than one entry per challenge.