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PGI – Protection Group International Ltd.

Stand C92

Protection Group International specialises in managing digital risks. We support clients building digital resilience by helping them transform their own capability or leveraging ours to meet their goals. 

Where our clients would like to build their own capabilities, we work with them to develop their own frameworks, knowledge and expertise which enable them to build sustainable, mature and resilient digital operations. 

Where our clients require support for internal teams or trusted third-party validation, our specialists provide tailored expert services to help them achieve their goals. 

The services we offer cover the breadth of the digital threats that organisations should consider when developing risk mitigation strategies, from disinformation to ransomware:  

  • Digital security: Providing services to implement, or support the implementation of, digital security controls and incident response. 

  • Digital capacity building: Crafting solutions to enable governments and organisations to build their own cyber and open source intelligence capability. 

  • Digital investigations: Providing services to identify, mitigate, and effectively respond to malign content on social media. 

Address 13-14 Angel Gate
United Kingdom

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