Products & Services

  • Biometrics, Facial Recognition & Imagery
  • CCT & Video Analytics
  • Comms Data and Digital Forensics
  • Counter Terrorism & Intelligence

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Stand P92

We are a Nordic company supporting law enforcement, military, and intelligence organizations globally by providing them with an innovative multi-source analytical platform in addition to insights through professional services.

The Paliscope platform is a powerful multi-source intelligence solution. With our products YOSE™ and Discovry™, you get an end-to-end solution that enables you to process, analyze and report your cases in less time. Using the latest AI technology to generate actionable insights on day one.

 Your own AI-driven analysis tool that lets you track down intelligence instantly within any file type, even in the largest most unstructured stockpiles of data. YOSE is equipped with comprehensive analytical capabilities for almost any intelligence or investigative task.
Discover links, compare datasets, trace geographical routs and much more with the click of a button. With YOSE working on the case, it really is possible to find a needle in a haystack.

Selected functionality:

· Speech 2 Text + offline translation

· Face and voice recognition

· License plate recognition

· Built in video analytic viewer

· Tailored database imports for Discord, Telegram and PHP BB

 A forensic case builder that helps you structure and secure digital evidence. Discovry puts an end to disordered investigations with powerful features that let you quickly and effectively document data from multiple sources – online or offline.
It helps you build profiles on subjects of interest and automate reporting.

Paliscope’s software are easy to install and maintain. They are installed and run on your organization’s computer, with all your data stored on-premises.

Address Drottninggatan 32
111 51
Telephone +46 70 000 00 00
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